Cup Overflowing

Cup Overflowing

When was the last time you took time to fill your cup? No, I don’t mean your coffee cup, but maybe that needs filling, too. 🤩 But, I’m talking about that cup inside of you, the well from which you contribute. The place you dip into to help a new mom, fold the laundry, pay the bills, grocery shop, declutter the house, build your business, be on video, write your blog, love your husband, and be that joyful mom to your children.

“I knew I was worthy of taking time to refresh, relax, and enjoy some lovely company.”

I was recently blessed with the opportunity to vacation in Florida. It was a last-minute invitation from someone very near and dear to me. The Minnesota winter was getting a bit long and combined with continued COVID restrictions it was an easy decision to say YES! I was feeling frayed on the edges and wore down to the nibs. 😊 (stole this from my sister, she has some of the best phrases to describe life.)

Like most of you, taking time for myself usually came with feelings of guilt and I would usually have said, “I’m sorry, but I can’t take the time away from home or work.” Or “We can’t afford for me to take a vacation right now.” But not this time. With ease I booked my flight for nine days!! Yes, nine days! It was luxurious and the longest I’d been gone from my family in, well ever.

I knew I was worthy of taking time to refresh, relax, and enjoy some lovely company. I know that my cup was running on empty and only by taking time to replenish my cup would I be able to continue to give and abundantly contribute to my family, my home, my work, my friendship, and my community. 

During these nine days I felt my soul come back to life. I relished the hot sun bronzing my body as I lay on the beach with the peaceful rhythm of the ocean waves splashing against the shore. My tired and stressed mind was given time to recalibrate, spark creativity, and return to a place of gratitude and possibility.

I am so grateful for the time away. Grateful for my amazing and supportive husband who encouraged me and took care of the home front while I was away. Grateful to my dear friend, who shared her vacation time with me. Grateful to God for his abundant kindnesses to me. 

Will you take time this week, this month, this year to refresh and replenish your soul? If not, why not?  Don’t you believe you are worthy? What voices in your mind will you have to over come to give yourself permission to take some much-needed time for rest? You can exchange the guilt and excuses for worthiness and truth. 


A New Journey

A New Journey

Have you ever had that tugging on your heart? That idea or movement to do something or change something but you just don’t know how to get started? Or maybe you’re like me, you just don’t like taking risks. Well, what I really don’t like is taking a risk that requires complete trust, kind of like a little bird being kicked out of the nest and you hope that you grow wings on the way down! 😊 

I’m okay with calculated risk, where I have the time to do some resource, seek counsel, weigh the pros and cons, and have a plan. For me this is still taking a risk, just not as scary! And it’s somewhere in between full on risk and calculated risk that this new journey had immerged for me.

Over the past two years I have felt the call to become a leadership coach, start a blog and podcast. But, it just felt like too much, there was so much I didn’t know about this space. My lack of self-confidence got in the way with questions like, would anyone want to read or hear what I had to say? Or where would I find the time to write and produce podcasts? Or would my experience of 30 years in leadership and a family background of entrepreneurs be enough to add value to women’s lives, and deliver on coaching with excellence? You know all those lies that the evil one wants you to believe. These have been my battles over the past two years. 

While we all have been putting one foot in front of the other during this uncertain time of the worldwide pandemic, for me this has been a time of an exceptionally large silver lining. It has opened opportunities and allowed me to carve out time to reflect, respond, and step forward with courage and enthusiasm into something new. Something that I know I am called to do.

The time has come! Today I am launching my website that will contain blogs on life and leadership, podcasts, guest interviews, Amy’s book list and reviews, and my leadership coaching business! I am so excited and thrilled for this new adventure!! I am beyond thrilled for the amazing women I have already met and those I will meet on this journey to a life lived with excellence! I know that God has called me to this work, and he will equip me for every step in this new journey. 

What has been tugging at your heart? What is stopping you for taking that first step to your dream? How can you minimize some risk and begin a new adventure? Don’t let fear or self-doubt stop you from bringing your brilliance to the world.

I invite you to join me in the journey of life, leadership and transformation!! 

Dream Your Dream

Dream Your Dream

Dream Your Dream

Your dreams are unique and specific to YOU. Listen to this short video and be encouraged to dream big dreams! If you would like to create a plan to achieve your dream, schedule a Discovery Session with me and let’s get started!

“Bring your brilliance to the world.”

A half day workshop for women leader and entrepreneurs to build your one-page bible for your brand. During this workshop you will bring your unique brand to life! 

Build a brand that is strong, clear and highly attractive. Knowing YOUR Brand Archetype will set you free from ever again being the best kept secret in your market!! Your brand is the PROMISE of an EXPERIENCE!!

Thursday, March 18th | 9:00am – 11:30am (CST)

Cost: $200
