THE MAJESTIC PEONY – What is in a logo?
Is there something that when you see it, smell it, touch it or hear it you close your eyes and you are reminded of a special person or transported to a memorable place and time?
Well that is what happens to me every time I see, smell, or pick a peony.
The queen of spring, the peony! The huge and beautiful and ruffled petals of this magnificent flower capture the spring like no other. The overpowering fragrance of the peony just draws me in and takes me back to being a young girl on my grandparent’s farm. Along the driveway was this beautiful hedge of pink peonies. The most beautiful flower ever! They were her pride and joy! I loved looking at them, smelling them, and felt especially happy when grandma would send a huge bouquet of them home, with
the stems all wrapped in wet paper towels to keep them moist on our two hour drive.
The peonies in my own flower garden today are some of my grandmother’s. The very flowers my grandmother planted, tended, and enjoyed are now growing in my garden for me to tend and enjoy. The sweet memory of my grandmother is with me is a special way each spring as I admire their beautiful blossoms and their fragrance fills our home.
Another reason I chose the peony as part of my logo is because of what it represents. The peony is majestic, powerful, wild, and one of the first flowers out in the spring. It’s a statement flower! Unlike the pansy or violet, the peony cannot be missed! And I feel like that is how each one of us is in God’s eyes, we are unique, majestic, royal, and God notices us, every little thing about us. Scriptures tells us that he has the hair on our head counted. I want to make a difference in the world and help others live a life that is bold, beautiful, intentional, purposeful and shines for all to see.